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User centred design methodologies were useful to frame and enforce my concept, and give it a position within the real world.

Using traditional design methods to reinforce my concepts as they began to develop, was an interesting process as it allowed me to assess their viability. Stakeholder maps gave me the opportunity to examine the potential organisations and businesses who could be involved and/or benefit from such a project. A Service Blueprint identified the different touch points in a project that crossed between the screen and the physical. Imagining the steps a user would have to go through to get the full experience of home STREET home. This process was not fully devoted to the users actions, but helped to prepare for in the back-end of home STREET home and external support. Like the name states, it was an essential BLUEPRINT to follow when moving the project forward. The Persona's and Scenario's helped to give life to the project, which to date was only a concept. Visualising the users, how and when they will use the product was a very important component to working empathically, with the best chance of positively impacting real peoples lives. The Persona's were created from interviews with potential users. 

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